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Terms & Conditions


Site editor :


Simplified joint stock company with capital of €30,000

With registered office at 83 Impasse de la Fruitière – 74350 Allonzier-la-Caille

Registered with the Registre du Commerce et des Sociétés de Thonon under number RCS THONON951 566 710

Represented by Mr Thomas FEVRE in his capacity as Chairman

N°TVA intra-communautaire : FR36951566710



Publishing director: 

Mr Thomas FEVRE, Chairman of the company LEDVARD

 Hosted by :

The website is hosted by OVH, a simplified joint stock company with share capital of €10,174,560, headquartered at 2 Rue Kellermann – 59100 Roubaix – France, registered with the Lille Trade and Companies Register under number RCS 537 407926.

 Creation :

The website was created by &


-Preamble and purpose

The website www.ledvard -sport .com (hereinafter referred to as the “SITE”) is published by LEDVARD, a simplified joint stock company with share capital of €30,000, headquartered at 83 Impasse de la Fruitière – 74350 Allonzier-la-Caille, registered with the Thonon Trade and Companies Registry under RCS THONON 951 566 710, intra-community VAT number: FR36951566710, represented by Thomas FEVRE in his capacity as Chairman.

E-mail address:

 These general terms and conditions of use are intended to apply to all persons browsing the SITE, whether or not they are customers of the company LEDVARD (hereinafter referred to as “the WEB USER” or collectively “the WEB USERS”).

Please note that when an INTERNET USER places an order on the SITE, he/she becomes a customer of the company LEDVARD and his/her contractual relations are governed, in addition to these general terms and conditions of use, by the general terms and conditions of sale available on the SITE, which must be accepted by ticking the appropriate box before validating the online order.

In any event, by browsing the SITE, the INTERNET USER expressly acknowledges that he/she is bound by these general terms and conditions of use as defined below, accepts them unreservedly and undertakes to comply with them (hereinafter the “GCU”).

-Technical requirements

 INTERNET USERS must have their own equipment and a connection to the Internet at their own expense when browsing the SITE.

We also recommend recent versions of browsers, for greater ease of use.

-Information presented on the SITE 

The company LEDVARD strives to provide information on the SITE that is as accurate as possible and to update it regularly. It reserves the right to correct, modify and/or delete some of the information presented on the SITE, at any time and without prior notice.

– Links to other sites 

The SITE may contain hypertext links to other sites or resources available on the Internet, or point in any other way to web sites or web pages administered by third parties.

The company LEDVARD is in no way responsible for their content and characteristics.

The fact that LEDVARD provides links does not in any way imply implicit approval of the content of these sites or web pages.

Browsing these third-party sites is the INTERNET USER’s sole responsibility, and LEDVARD has no means of control.

The INTERNET USER is not authorized to set up a hyperlink to the SITE, except with the express prior authorization of the company LEDVARD , which may refuse without justification.

-Warranties and liability

The INTERNET USER undertakes to access the SITE using recent, virus-free equipment and to use the latest generation of updated browsers.

The company LEDVARD shall not be held liable for any material damages arising from the use of the SITE.

The company LEDVARD declines all responsibility in particular:

– use of unsuitable equipment or equipment that does not meet the technical requirements;

– for any abnormal or fraudulent use of the SITE by the INTERNET USER;

– for any interruption in the operation of the SITE due to a failure in the supply of electricity or transmission lines due to public or private operators or the operation of the Internet network or telephone networks or Internet access cables not implemented by the company LEDVARD ;

– for any damage resulting from fraudulent intrusion by a third party leading to modification of the information made available on the SITE;

– if one of the hypertext links referenced on the SITE were to provide content contrary to propriety and/or the laws in force.

THE INTERNET USER declares that he/she knows and understands the Internet, its hazards and limitations, and in particular its functional characteristics and technical performance, the risks of interruption, response times for consulting, querying or transferring information, and the risks, whatever they may be, inherent in any connection to the network.

The company LEDVARD is subject to an obligation of means. The company LEDVARD may only be held liable for fault and for direct damage attributable to it, indirect damage being excluded. The company LEDVARD may not be held liable for any indirect damage, such as loss of sales, loss of profit, loss of orders, loss, inaccuracy or corruption of files or data, loss of opportunity, damage to image or any other special damage or event beyond its control or for which it is not responsible.

-Intellectual property

LEDVARD is the owner of the intellectual property rights or holds the rights of use on all the elements accessible on the SITE, in particular but not exclusively the products which are marketed there, the name of the company or the products, the layout, the structure, the graphic charter of the SITE but also the textual elements, images, videos, graphics, logos, icons, sounds, software.

Consultation of the SITE does not confer any rights on INTERNAUTES.

All texts, data, logos, images, videos, photographs, sounds, software (without this list being exhaustive) reproduced on the SITE are reserved and protected by the French Intellectual Property Code, in particular by copyright, design rights and trademark rights. Any use, representation, reproduction, modification, imitation and/or dissemination, directly or indirectly, by any means whatsoever, is prohibited and constitutes an infringement of copyright, an offence engaging the civil and criminal liability of its author and punishable in accordance with the provisions of the said Code.

Consequently, INTERNAUTES may not, under any circumstances or in any way, reproduce, represent, distribute, modify, market or license all or part of any of the elements reproduced on the SITE and/or all or part of the SITE in general, without the express prior consent of the company LEDVARD.

Furthermore, INTERNAUTES are prohibited from making copies of the SITE without the prior authorization of LEDVARD.

Any illicit use of all or part of the SITE may give rise to legal proceedings.

-Personal data 

Personal data may be collected when browsing the SITE and subsequently processed by the company LEDVARD.

The company’s privacy policy LEDVARD is available here.


The company LEDVARD may install cookies or other tracers on the INTERNET USER’s connection terminal when browsing the SITE, with the latter’s prior consent.

The data collected in this way are personal data as they allow the INTERNET USER to be identified indirectly. It is mainly used to ensure that the SITE functions correctly and to offer a personalized experience.

The INTERNET USER retains the option of not authorizing certain types of cookies.

The company’s cookie policy LEDVARD is available here.

-No waiver

The fact that LEDVARD does not avail itself, at any time, of one of the prerogatives recognized by the GTU shall not be construed as a waiver by LEDVARD to subsequently avail itself of the corresponding prerogative.

-Partial nullity

The invalidity in whole or in part of any clause of the GTU shall not affect the remainder of such clause and the validity of the GTU as a whole.

-Modifications to the present general conditions of use

The company LEDVARD reserves the right to modify the provisions of these GCU at any time and without notice.

INTERNAUTES are invited to check periodically whether their use of the SITE complies with the provisions of these GTCU.

-Applicable law, jurisdiction 

The operation and use of the SITE are subject to French law.

In the event of a dispute concerning, in particular, the use or content of the WEBSITE, the INTERNET USER is informed that he/she may have recourse, free of charge, to a consumer mediator, after an attempt at amicable settlement has failed, directly with the company LEDVARD, in accordance with the provisions of the French Consumer Code.

To this end, the INTERNET USER is informed that LEDVARD has appointed the Centre de la Médiation de la Consommation des Conciliateurs de Justice (CM2C) as mediator:

49 Rue de Ponthieu
75008 Paris


tel: 01 89 47 00 14

In addition, the INTERNET USER may use the European online dispute resolution platform (RLL) available at the following link:

Failing mediation, the French courts shall have jurisdiction, the competent court being designated in accordance with the rules of procedure in force in France at the time of the dispute.